睿鸷人物 勇于开创 多元化经营——记吴江永茂纺织有限公司董事长、浙江真劲闽龙纺织有限公司董事长洪连上先生

The courage to create diversified business
勇于开创 多元化经营

  Mr. Hong Lianshang, chairman of Wu Jiang Yongmao Textile Co., Ltd. is an entrepreneur who is interested in collection. His office collects red sandalwood, root carving, natural stone and other works of art, it's not like an office, but a work of art exhibition hall, these works of art are all endowed nature. And as an entrepreneur, he has forward-looking vision and always keens to capture all kinds of business opportunities; he also has the spirit of daring and break to expose his talent in a number of areas.

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